athabascaoil sand câu
Đối với các bản mạch cộng thêm phần: Phần # K Sand. Nó được đặc trưng trong bộ phim Brazil The House of Sand. H2O: Footprints in the San...

a heap of sand
And the mountains will be as a heap of sand poured out and flowing down.Núi nổi như lưng cá Ngao [mà] cung Bồng [thì] mờ mịt, Suppose ...

a pile of sand
Is there a better way of finding gold dust in a pile of sand?Một lựa chọn tốt hơn để cố gắng tìm một cây kim trong đống cỏ khô? Hold a...

a rope of sand
Hopefully our common effort to make them visible is not a rope of sand.Việc ngồi thẳng để giúp đỡ cột ở của chúng ta không biến thành c...

addition of sand
Perlite concrete can be made with a dry density of 320 kg/m3 or with the addition of sand or other aggregates up to 1440 kg/m3.Perlite ...

alluvial sand
Bangladesh has almost no natural reserves of stone and as an alternative the clayey alluvial sand is fired in open circular kilns into ...

artificial sand
what is mean by artificial sand usesnhững gì có nghĩa là bằng cách sử dụng cát nhân tạo How To Prepare Artificial Sand With DetailsLàm...

barren sand
Never told you how... Admiral Kirk sent 70 of us into exile on this barren sand heap, with only the contents of these cargo bays to sus...

beach sand
It is a light stone color that reminds me of beach sand.Cát màu vàng, mịn làm tôi nhớ tới bãi biển Cam Ranh. Create your name on beach...

bituminous sand
In Canadian bituminous sand extraction, we treat the sand lagoons to return them to their initial consistency and facilitate reforestat...

black sand
Below right: The beach is a mix of brown and black sand.Batang là một bãi biển là hỗn hợp của cát nâu và đen. Have you ever seen a bea...

blowing sand
Its nostrils are able to be closed to keep out blowing sand.Cặp lỗ mũi của chúng cũng đóng chặt để ngăn chặn cát. The wind is up too, ...

blown sand
The beach is exposed to strong winds in the spring, so if you go early — April and May — the wind blown sand can be unpleasant.Bãi biển...

brain sand
Hydroxyapatite crystals are also found in the small calcifications (within the pineal gland and other structures) known as corpora aren...

building sand
I’m no Grinch and really enjoy building sand castles.Thanh xuân tôi không tiếc, tôi tiếc công sức xây lâu đài cát. Children are buildi...

calcareous sand
He told Rediff magazine that, in the 32-foot (10-meter) samples, “We found marine sands on top and below that was a mixed assemblage of...

chromite sand
separation of chromite sand from silica sandTách Nổi Của Chromite Từ Cát Silica

clay sand
removal iron oxide clay sandLoại Bỏ Sắt Oxide Clay Sand removal iron oxide clay sandLoại Bỏ Sắt Oxide Clay Sand The walls of the home ...

cleaning sand
Are you cleaning sand from my ears?Có phải cô đang rửa cát trong tai tôi? The first time I visited OMA’s new Qatar National Library la...

coarse sand
0 to -1 1–2 mm 0.039–0.079 in Very coarse sand0 đến −1 1–2 mm 0,039–0,079 in Cát rất thô 0 to −1 1–2 mm 0.039–0.079 in Very coarse san...

coastal sand
Glass sand mines along coastal sand dunes have reserves of about 18 million tonnes.Mỏ cát thủy tinh dọc theo các đồi cát ven biển Nam P...

compacted sand
What the child falls onto: hard surfaces such as concrete, ceramic tiles and even compacted sand are more hazardous to fall onto than s...

concrete sand
Concrete, sand and water reflect less than 20 per cent.Bê tông, cát và nước phản chiếu ít hơn 20 phần trăm. Concrete, sand and water r...

coral sand
There are two major coral sand cays towards the north of the granitic; Denis and Bird.Hai cồn cát san hô nằm phía bắc nhóm granit: Deni...

core sand
(9) Hot and cold material (sand core, sand, stud, cold iron, etc.) contacts together.(9) nguyên liệu nóng và lạnh (lõi cát, cát, cốt lõ...